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人気の Linux subreddit の最新 の投稿

ソース: バージョン: 他の言語: 購読: ソーシャル: 最終更新日: 2024-02-25T17:18:11.612+08:00   統計を見る
CEO of IBM and Chairman of Red Hat telling how they force executives to meet racial quotas in hiring. "if you lose, you lose part of your bonus.” "I could name multiple leaders ... that were held accountable to the point they are no longer with Red Hat". (
I just created a LLM Terminal App, Clara, which does literally everything for you (
Over a million reasons why Snaps are important (Akademy 2023) (
In an effort to close perceived loopholes, Treasury recommends massive expansion of warrantless surveillance and power to sanction open-source software ( image
Oh yes, it definitely represents our community. (fuck spez) (
Alma Linux: Bringing EPEL support to the ELevate project, an initiative to support migrations between major versions of RHEL / RHEL-derivatives. (
[WallStall] An app that i made in python for surfing wallpapers. Currently features wallpapers only from In future i'll be adding feature to apply effects (like natron have glow, cc, godrays, etc) directly from the app, which is my main goal from WallStall. ( image
Newbie help: sudo nano -w /etc/dhcpcd.conf command coming up with blank screen while trying to create a static IP on Raspberry Pi 400 (
IBM Red Hat - AI Alliance Launches as an International Community of Leading Technology Developers, Researchers, and Adopters Collaborating Together to Advance Open, Safe, Responsible AI (
I've suddenly realised I've been using linux for far too long today I did the unthinkable (
Shouldn't Java be a better choice for Linux scripting compared to bash or python or perl? (
This week in KDE: changing the wallpaper from within System Settings ( image
Am I the only one that gets PTSD from days of Windows past when I see this screen? I get that it's a part of the Plymouth package, but damn... (
we'd love your feedback on Anytype - private, end-to-end encrypted and local first alternative to notion and obsidian (
Looking for a name or set of packages that installs a distribution FROM a LiveCD/USB to a hard drive, preferably Debian but also RPM. Similar to what Ubuntu/Fedora might use. (
What would happen if programmers from LXDE and XFCE created an ideal desktop environment? (
Graphing ZFS - A tool to visualize and compare different ZFS RAID layouts and settings ( image
I am a beginner, should I choose Pop! So or LinuxMint (
Are Less Bloated Linux OS Distros Going To Become More Popular? (
I’m beginning to thing TYoL will be subtle (
Announcement of LibreOffice 7.6.3 Community and LibreOffice Viewer app for Android in the Google Play Store - The Document Foundation Blog (
Interviewing for Canonical to be a junior UX designer, what should I expect? ( image
Even Microsoft acknowledges GNU and the FSF’s contributions on their GitHub page for CBL-Mariner (
Linux is much better at telling if HDD is going bad than windows, so much for hard disk sentinel(!) (
Lenovo Prepares The Linux Kernel For "Ultra-Performance Capability" On Latest ThinkPads ( image
What Linux looked like in the year 1998 ( image
What's the longest period you've spent on the same Linux distro without reinstalling ? (
Google announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3. (